Learn Java With Me: Day 1

Shayla White
2 min readMay 21, 2021


I have to learn Java, I have to get better with data structures and algorithms, I have to code everyday, I have to network, I have to apply for jobs, I have to create projects, I have to attend training, I have to study for my AWS certification, I have to interview for jobs, I have to stay fresh on my technical terms and concepts….

Basically, I have ALOT to do.

And I never feel like I’m ever doing enough, however I have to keep going no matter what! I’ve learned to never complain about having a lot on your plate when your goal was to eat!”!

Well I’m not exactly indulging in any fruits of my labor just yet but I know eventually I will reap the benefits of my hard work if I stay dedicated and committed to keep learning as a engineer. With so much to do and learn it’s easy to feel overwhelmed or distracted, I aim to stay on track by documenting my journey of learning Java.

Ready, Set, let’s learn Java !!

What is Java?

/> Java is a general purpose, class based, object orientated programming language.

/>It is intended to be a write once, run anywhere language, meaning that once compiled Java code can run on all platforms that support Java without the need for recompilation.

/>Java applications achieve this by compiling into byte code that can run on any Java Virtual Machine (JVM) regardless of the underlying computer architecture.

/>Java was released in 1995 and is currently one of the most popular programming languages in use.

/>It has its own syntax that defines the structure of how we can code as well as the phrases we can use, this syntax is the definition of the instructions that the JVM needs to execute.

In simple words, it is a computing platform where you can develop applications. Java remains one of the top programming languages in 2021. In other words its very useful to get familiar with Java and master it.

How to install Java?

I was able to get Java installed and up and running and even wrote my very first line of code “HelloWorld” to display. YAY!!

The roadmap going into next week, will be:

/>Java Fundamentals


/> Java Classes

/> Arrays

/> Iteration

Of course its so much more to Java than I listed but I will start out with these topics and expand as I go. I look forward to learning Java and see where this journey will take me and the projects I will create.

Thanks for reading. And as always…PEACE, LOVE & CODE ❤



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